A few months ago Chet Justice and I did an ApEx presentation at our Oracle users group. He put together a demo of how one could parse a comma separated block of text "in memory". He did this via a pipelined function, which was a really neat trick with which he was able to emulate functionality similar to the ApEx Load utility that allows you to upload CSVs after pasting the text into a textarea.
I recently had to work on a project that required this functionality, only it was based on a file upload rather than input from a textarea. I started by revisiting Chet's example, modified the code to make it more generic and flexible, and then packaged it away. I did have to replace the pipelined function with a temporary table to utilize the bulk load while creating the collection which really improves performance with large files. The result is an easy to use package that allows one to populate ApEx collections from either file uploads or pastes into textareas.
WARNING: THIS IS NOT PRODUCTION CODE. This package is young and although I've not had any issues, I can not guarantee that it is bug free. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. I'll eventually do another post in the future when the package is more mature.
Here's how to get it working...
- Compile this type:
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE "CSV_TEMP" ( "ATTR_01" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_02" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_03" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_04" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_05" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_06" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_07" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_08" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_09" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_10" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_11" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_12" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_13" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_14" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_15" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_16" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_17" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_18" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_19" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_20" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_21" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_22" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_23" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_24" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_25" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_26" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_27" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_28" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_29" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_30" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_31" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_32" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_33" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_34" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_35" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_36" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_37" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_38" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_39" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_40" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_41" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_42" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_43" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_44" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_45" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_46" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_47" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_48" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_49" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ATTR_50" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS;
- Compile this package spec:
create or replace PACKAGE csv AS /*****************************************************************************/ /*
Chet Justice, Daniel McGhan This procedure was designed to create and populate a collection based on a CSV CLOB. This was written specifically for use in ApEx and must be called from within a valid session. Modification History Date By Modification ----------- ------------ -----------------------------------------------27-JAN-2008 DMCGHAN Initial Creation */ PROCEDURE create_collection_from_clob ( p_csv IN CLOB , p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2 , p_header_included IN CHAR := 'N' , p_delimiter IN CHAR := ',' , p_enclosed_by IN CHAR := NULL , p_replace_collection IN CHAR := 'Y' ); /*****************************************************************************/ /*Daniel McGhan This procedure was designed to create and populate a collection based on a CSV BLOB. This was written specifically for use in ApEx and must be called from within a valid session. Modification History Date By Modification ----------- ------------ -----------------------------------------------27-JAN-2008 DMCGHAN Initial Creation */ PROCEDURE create_collection_from_blob ( p_csv IN BLOB , p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2 , p_header_included IN CHAR := 'N' , p_delimiter IN CHAR := ',' , p_enclosed_by IN CHAR := NULL , p_replace_collection IN CHAR := 'Y' ); /*****************************************************************************/ END csv; - Compile this package body:
create or replace PACKAGE BODY csv AS /*****************************************************************************/ PROCEDURE assert ( p_condition IN BOOLEAN , p_err_code IN PLS_INTEGER , p_err_msg IN VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN IF (NOT p_condition OR p_condition IS NULL) THEN raise_application_error(NVL(p_err_code ,-20001), p_err_msg); END IF; END assert; /*****************************************************************************/ PROCEDURE create_collection_from_clob ( p_csv IN CLOB , p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2 , p_header_included IN CHAR := 'N' , p_delimiter IN CHAR := ',' , p_enclosed_by IN CHAR := NULL , p_replace_collection IN CHAR := 'Y' ) AS TYPE csv_rt IS RECORD ( attr_01 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_02 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_03 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_04 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_05 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_06 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_07 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_08 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_09 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_10 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_11 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_12 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_13 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_14 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_15 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_16 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_17 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_18 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_19 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_20 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_21 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_22 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_23 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_24 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_25 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_26 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_27 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_28 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_29 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_30 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_31 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_32 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_33 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_34 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_35 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_36 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_37 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_38 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_39 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_40 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_41 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_42 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_43 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_44 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_45 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_46 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_47 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_48 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_49 VARCHAR2(4000) , attr_50 VARCHAR2(4000) ); l_csv CLOB := 'X'; l_csv_length PLS_INTEGER; l_newline_position PLS_INTEGER := 1; l_record_length PLS_INTEGER; l_record_count PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_record_text VARCHAR2(32767); l_column_count PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_column_text VARCHAR2(4000); l_record CSV_RT; l_delimiter CHAR(1); l_header_included CHAR(1); l_stage VARCHAR2(32767); PROCEDURE populate_attr ( p_attr_num IN PLS_INTEGER , p_attr_val IN VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN CASE p_attr_num WHEN 1 THEN l_record.attr_01 := p_attr_val; WHEN 2 THEN l_record.attr_02 := p_attr_val; WHEN 3 THEN l_record.attr_03 := p_attr_val; WHEN 4 THEN l_record.attr_04 := p_attr_val; WHEN 5 THEN l_record.attr_05 := p_attr_val; WHEN 6 THEN l_record.attr_06 := p_attr_val; WHEN 7 THEN l_record.attr_07 := p_attr_val; WHEN 8 THEN l_record.attr_08 := p_attr_val; WHEN 9 THEN l_record.attr_09 := p_attr_val; WHEN 10 THEN l_record.attr_10 := p_attr_val; WHEN 11 THEN l_record.attr_11 := p_attr_val; WHEN 12 THEN l_record.attr_12 := p_attr_val; WHEN 13 THEN l_record.attr_13 := p_attr_val; WHEN 14 THEN l_record.attr_14 := p_attr_val; WHEN 15 THEN l_record.attr_15 := p_attr_val; WHEN 16 THEN l_record.attr_16 := p_attr_val; WHEN 17 THEN l_record.attr_17 := p_attr_val; WHEN 18 THEN l_record.attr_18 := p_attr_val; WHEN 19 THEN l_record.attr_19 := p_attr_val; WHEN 20 THEN l_record.attr_20 := p_attr_val; WHEN 21 THEN l_record.attr_21 := p_attr_val; WHEN 22 THEN l_record.attr_22 := p_attr_val; WHEN 23 THEN l_record.attr_23 := p_attr_val; WHEN 24 THEN l_record.attr_24 := p_attr_val; WHEN 25 THEN l_record.attr_25 := p_attr_val; WHEN 26 THEN l_record.attr_26 := p_attr_val; WHEN 27 THEN l_record.attr_27 := p_attr_val; WHEN 28 THEN l_record.attr_28 := p_attr_val; WHEN 29 THEN l_record.attr_29 := p_attr_val; WHEN 30 THEN l_record.attr_30 := p_attr_val; WHEN 31 THEN l_record.attr_31 := p_attr_val; WHEN 32 THEN l_record.attr_32 := p_attr_val; WHEN 33 THEN l_record.attr_33 := p_attr_val; WHEN 34 THEN l_record.attr_34 := p_attr_val; WHEN 35 THEN l_record.attr_35 := p_attr_val; WHEN 36 THEN l_record.attr_36 := p_attr_val; WHEN 37 THEN l_record.attr_37 := p_attr_val; WHEN 38 THEN l_record.attr_38 := p_attr_val; WHEN 39 THEN l_record.attr_39 := p_attr_val; WHEN 40 THEN l_record.attr_40 := p_attr_val; WHEN 41 THEN l_record.attr_41 := p_attr_val; WHEN 42 THEN l_record.attr_42 := p_attr_val; WHEN 43 THEN l_record.attr_43 := p_attr_val; WHEN 44 THEN l_record.attr_44 := p_attr_val; WHEN 45 THEN l_record.attr_45 := p_attr_val; WHEN 46 THEN l_record.attr_46 := p_attr_val; WHEN 47 THEN l_record.attr_47 := p_attr_val; WHEN 48 THEN l_record.attr_48 := p_attr_val; WHEN 49 THEN l_record.attr_49 := p_attr_val; WHEN 50 THEN l_record.attr_50 := p_attr_val; END CASE; END populate_attr; PROCEDURE queue_record IS BEGIN l_record_count := l_record_count + 1; l_record_text := dbms_lob.substr( l_csv , dbms_lob.instr(l_csv, CHR(10), l_newline_position) - l_newline_position , l_newline_position ); l_record_length := LENGTH(l_record_text); l_newline_position := l_newline_position + l_record_length + 1; END queue_record; PROCEDURE process_non_enclosed_record IS l_char_text CHAR(1); BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. l_record_length LOOP l_char_text := SUBSTR(l_record_text, i, 1); IF l_char_text != l_delimiter OR l_record_length = i THEN l_column_text := l_column_text || l_char_text; IF l_record_length = i THEN populate_attr(l_column_count + 1, l_column_text); INSERT INTO csv_temp VALUES l_record; l_column_count := 0; l_column_text := NULL; EXIT; END IF; ELSE l_column_count := l_column_count + 1; populate_attr(l_column_count, l_column_text); l_column_text := NULL; END IF; END LOOP; END process_non_enclosed_record; PROCEDURE process_enclosed_record IS l_char_text CHAR(1); l_last_char_text CHAR(1); l_next_char_text CHAR(1); l_encloser_on BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. l_record_length LOOP l_last_char_text := l_char_text; l_char_text := SUBSTR(l_record_text, i, 1); l_next_char_text := SUBSTR(l_record_text, i + 1, 1); l_encloser_on := ( (l_char_text = p_enclosed_by AND (l_last_char_text = l_delimiter OR i = 1)) OR (l_char_text != p_enclosed_by AND l_encloser_on) ); IF (l_char_text != l_delimiter AND l_char_text != p_enclosed_by) OR (l_char_text = l_delimiter AND l_encloser_on) OR (l_char_text = p_enclosed_by AND l_next_char_text != l_delimiter AND l_last_char_text != l_delimiter AND i != 1) OR l_record_length = i THEN l_column_text := l_column_text || l_char_text; IF l_record_length = i THEN populate_attr(l_column_count + 1, l_column_text); INSERT INTO csv_temp VALUES l_record; l_column_count := 0; l_column_text := NULL; EXIT; END IF; ELSIF NOT ( (l_char_text = p_enclosed_by AND l_next_char_text = l_delimiter) OR (l_char_text = p_enclosed_by AND l_last_char_text = l_delimiter) OR (i = 1 AND l_char_text != l_delimiter) ) THEN l_column_count := l_column_count + 1; populate_attr(l_column_count, l_column_text); l_column_text := NULL; END IF; END LOOP; END; BEGIN l_stage := 'Checking pre-conditions'; assert(p_csv IS NOT NULL, -20001, 'p_csv must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_collection_name IS NOT NULL, -20002, 'p_collection_name must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_header_included IS NOT NULL, -20003, 'p_header_included must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_header_included IN ('Y','N'), -20004, 'p_header_included must be ''Y'' or ''N'''); assert(p_delimiter IS NOT NULL, -20005, 'p_delimiter must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_replace_collection IS NOT NULL, -20006, 'p_replace_collection must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_replace_collection IN ('Y','N'), -20007, 'p_replace_collection must be ''Y'' or ''N'''); l_stage := 'Setting defaults'; l_delimiter := CASE WHEN p_delimiter IS NULL THEN ',' ELSE p_delimiter END; l_stage := 'Copying passed in CLOB to local CLOB'; dbms_lob.copy(l_csv, p_csv, dbms_lob.getlength(p_csv)); l_stage := 'Checking to see if passed in CLOB ends with a CR'; IF dbms_lob.instr(p_csv, CHR(10), dbms_lob.getlength(p_csv) - 1) = 0 THEN l_stage := 'Appending CR to local CLOB'; dbms_lob.append(l_csv, CHR(10)); END IF; l_stage := 'Getting the length of the local CLOB'; l_csv_length := dbms_lob.getlength(l_csv); l_stage := 'Queuing the first record'; queue_record; l_stage := 'Checking to see if first record should be part of data'; IF p_header_included = 'N' THEN l_stage := 'Processing first record'; IF p_enclosed_by IS NULL THEN process_non_enclosed_record; ELSE process_enclosed_record; END IF; END IF; l_stage := 'Processing the rest of the records'; IF p_enclosed_by IS NULL THEN WHILE l_newline_position < l_csv_length LOOP queue_record; process_non_enclosed_record; END LOOP; ELSE WHILE l_newline_position < l_csv_length LOOP queue_record; process_enclosed_record; END LOOP; END IF; IF p_replace_collection = 'Y' AND apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name) THEN l_stage := 'Removing existing collection'; apex_collection.delete_collection(p_collection_name); END IF; l_stage := 'Creating collection from CSV_TEMP table'; apex_collection.create_collection_from_query_b( p_collection_name => p_collection_name , p_query => 'SELECT * FROM csv_temp' ); END create_collection_from_clob; /*****************************************************************************/ PROCEDURE create_collection_from_blob ( p_csv IN BLOB , p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2 , p_header_included IN CHAR := 'N' , p_delimiter IN CHAR := ',' , p_enclosed_by IN CHAR := NULL , p_replace_collection IN CHAR := 'Y' ) AS l_csv_clob CLOB := 'X'; l_dest_offset INTEGER := 1; l_src_offset INTEGER := 1; l_lang_context INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx; l_warning INTEGER; l_stage VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN l_stage := 'Checking pre-conditions'; assert(p_csv IS NOT NULL, -20001, 'p_csv must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_collection_name IS NOT NULL, -20002, 'p_collection_name must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_header_included IS NOT NULL, -20003, 'p_header_included must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_header_included IN ('Y','N'), -20004, 'p_header_included must be ''Y'' or ''N'''); assert(p_delimiter IS NOT NULL, -20005, 'p_delimiter must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_replace_collection IS NOT NULL, -20006, 'p_replace_collection must be NOT NULL'); assert(p_replace_collection IN ('Y','N'), -20007, 'p_replace_collection must be ''Y'' or ''N'''); l_stage := 'Converting BLOB to CLOB'; dbms_lob.converttoclob ( dest_lob => l_csv_clob , src_blob => p_csv , amount => dbms_lob.lobmaxsize , dest_offset => l_dest_offset , src_offset => l_src_offset , blob_csid => dbms_lob.default_csid , lang_context => l_lang_context , warning => l_warning ); l_stage := 'Calling create_collection_from_clob to process CLOB'; create_collection_from_clob( p_csv => l_csv_clob , p_collection_name => p_collection_name , p_header_included => p_header_included , p_delimiter => p_delimiter , p_enclosed_by => p_enclosed_by , p_replace_collection => p_replace_collection ); END create_collection_from_blob; /*****************************************************************************/ END csv;
- Create an application page with a File Browse item and adapt the following code to meet your needs.
DECLARE l_blob BLOB; PROCEDURE cleanup IS BEGIN DELETE FROM apex_application_files WHERE name = :PXX_FILE_LOCATION; END cleanup; BEGIN SELECT blob_content INTO l_blob FROM apex_application_files WHERE name = :PXX_FILE_LOCATION; csv.create_collection_from_blob(l_blob, 'CSV_UPLOAD', 'Y'); cleanup; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN cleanup; RAISE; END;
I tried it with a number of csv files and it was hit or miss, as you stated this is NOT production ode, but a good starting point..
ReplyDeleteCould you please send me a file that you're having problems with? Chances are it's something small that could be easily fixed.
ReplyDeleteThis seems too complicated, you can always use an External table to load csv data. It consists of just 2-3 steps, setting up a directory, granting necessary privileges and then creating the external table mapped to a file.
Check this link for a quick reference:
Not sure if external tables are available in Apex or not, haven't thought about the mechanism to integrate with Apex yet, but wanted to point this out.
ReplyDeleteThat's an interesting suggestion I hadn't considered. Funny because I'm very familiar with external tables... :(
I wonder how flexible it would be though... For example, say you wanted to change the delimiter or enclosure character. That may require dynamic SQL to create the external table definition.
It's worth exploring though. Thanks!
WTF is up with those commas? Didn't I say that was a no-no? ;)
ReplyDeleteExternal tables are a fine suggestion, however, you can't assume the end user has access to the server. What if this is part of an app that you've deployed to the business? Can't very well give them access the the database filesystem can you?
And by "we gave a presentation" you mean I made you do the whole thing? Or do you mean you ran well over the allotted time not allowing me to participate? ;)
For those of you that don't know, Dan was the biggest PITA at my very first presenation. A good one though. He very easily could have been a jerk yet he wasn't. He knew far more than I did about some of the internals of APEX (what is this, a LinkedIn recommendation?) and I think we really hit it off. If only I could get him to stop putting commas at the beginning of lines where they don't belong!
Dan, I built a similar system early 2007 using external tables, but built the external tables dynamically as I had to handle more than 50 different formats. I had created a' data dictionary' so the admins will be able to define their own structures. Also created was a validation engine that would validate the attributes of a file definition based. For example you could have a file made up of 6 cols, each could be of a different type, size, mandatory, etc. The results of the failure was written to another error structure I had defined. Some of the files has over 150 cols. All of these were in packages and an APEX frontend tied them together. I allowed up to 250 cols and even had an edit screen with dynamic labels (had to work around the 100 col limitation) for simple edits that could be made and the file run through the validation engine. It was a very successful implementation. Of course, I wanted to add tons more features but had to dive into a different project (where I used part of what I built in 07).I have been meaning to package that for APEX community but just could not find time. Hopefully I will be able to find some time to package this and share.
ReplyDeleteGood luck
ReplyDeleteI like your solution of loading data, but still got error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error when have some national characters (czech) in the file. Do you have an ideas what should I do to correct this issue pls?
thanks in advance
Robert, CZ
might use this myself!
ReplyDeleteI have some updated code for this. I'll try to post it this weekend.
Great! I am sometimes getting an error where the enclosing character at the end of a line is included at the end of the last value....
ReplyDeleteI was trying to get my head around your code but it gets a bit complex at this point! for now maybe I will just deal with this when I select from csv_temp...but if you've fixed this...or anything else...I would be very interested. I am using the code and it's been a great start! :)
ReplyDeleteFound a bug with this code.
Let's say that we have two rows of data to convert.
If 1st column contains 5 columns of data and 2nd column contains 2, the result from this package shows 1st row's data in the remaining column of 2nd row.
I fixed my copy by emptying l_record after the loop in process_non_enclosed_record procedure.
Hope this helps someone.
Hi Sinka,
ReplyDeleteThanks for you comment. I like your change. However, since APEX 4.1, the ability to add data upload pages to your application has been standardized and built-in. I recommend using this ability over custom code going forward.